Notice to Public: Please don’t throw rotten tomatoes at your screen as you try to painstakingly read this post.

Hello, blog-o-sphere and welcome to another entry for Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by the lovely blogger over at @ Broke and Bookish. (It’s still Tuesday, no?)

You may notice why every blogger posted different topics, it’s because we like to rebel this week’s Tuesday is post whatever you want week! We basically get to choose the topic, and I thought, what a better day to have someone rung the shame bell on me?

This week I will be talking about the 10 Popular Series I haven’t read yet!


1.) Miss Peregrine’s Home for Pecular Children Series by Ransom Riggs

So the movie is coming up and the trailer looks good and a very close friend practically shove-it-in-my-face recommended it. I need to pick up this series before watching the movie!

2.) Shatter Me Series by Taherah Mafi 

This I am afraid I don’t know if I’ll love it or will I hate it. This has been recommended by a lot of trusted book friends and also a lot of my trusted book friends discourage me from reading this. Will I survive the too much load of Insta-love and the painstaking YA Love triangle?


3.) The Wrath and the Dawn Duology by Renee Ahdieh

This is just so popular over BookTube and the book blogging community. A lot of great reviews have been posted making me want to read it.


4.) All the Boys I loved Before Duology by Jenny Han




5.) Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Marie Lu loved it, and I love Marie Lu. A lot of people I trusted loved it. It’s Sci-Fi and I am having a thing for Sci-fi now and I still haven’t picked up the book. What is wrong with me!

Someone slap me back to reality! 


6.) The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

I am on the fence with this one. I loved Bardugo’s Six of Crows and I am fervently anticipating Crooked Kingdom this year, but after seeing meeeh reviews for the third book I currently marked it as lost-interest in Goodreads.




7.) The Darkest Minds Series by Alexandra Bracken


8.) The Raven Cycle Series (Quartet?) by Maggie Stiefvater

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I need to read these books. I need to start the this series.



9.) The Song of Fire and Ice by George R.R Martin

The books are too long, the series is too long. I need to stop for a year from university to marathon all the  books.


or I should just stick to the T.V. Series ( R + L = J !!!)


And the most shameful of all…


10.) Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

I waited for 2 years *insert Sirius Black meme* 2 whole year in Azkaban! for this book and suddenly I lost interest in. Which is sad, very very sad. But regardless of my uninterested attitude toward this book, I hope I will be picking this up soon.


Now let’s here it out for the Shame nun!


Burrito Bowl Tag | Eatin’ and Readin’


Hello, blog-o-sphere! Yes, I am being punctual with doing a tag (shocking isn’t it?). I am thanking Morgan @ Happilyeverbookish for tagging me and go check out her lovely blog!  

So this is the Burrito Bowl Tag and this is making me hungry, to be honest.

1. Rice: The Foundation—the book that got you into reading (or book blogging).


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Fun fact: I read the Chamber of Secrets before the first book, why? Because back at 5th grade, I have that bestfriend who rather read that have recess (I use to laugh at her, now she’s laughing at me and my uncontrollable tbr pile and reading-during-recess urges, life is cruel.) So when she tried to get me to reading, she handed me the second book because she was reading the first one, and that my friends is how I started to love and read books)

2. Beans: The Filler—a book with a whole lot of nothing happening.


An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

This is my least favorite book with John Green, next to Paper Towns. I tried reading it, can’t even make it until page 15.

3. Protein: The Building Block—a book quote to live by.



4. Fajitas: The Crunch of Texture—a book with immaculate world building.


Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

I have talk about this in my review and I will talk about it again. THE.WORLD.BUILDING.IS.JUST.SO.GREAT!


Full disclosure: I have not read and probably will not really the Grisha Trilogy (I just heard a lot of not so great things with its final book– it’s probably suffering the same case with The Retribution of Mara Dyer).

But to me (a Grisha Trilogy non reader) the world-building hit me with a bag full of epicness. The world’s description if so on point that it fueled my imagination. ( Yah get it?)

5. Salsa: The Dance of Flavor—a book that kept you on your toes.


An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

Reading An Ember in the Ashes didn’t keep me on my toes, it was more like ‘my butt is at the edge of my seat any moment from now my ass will slam at the floor’

I was emotionally invested to the characters and the plot itself. i.e (a.) Me being afraid for Laia every time she spies at the Commandant (she’s a real bitch) (b.) Me being afraid for Laia every time she sneaks out (c.) Me being afraid for Helene (Marcus is a real douche) especially now she’s named as Marcus’s Blood Shriek (d.) I feel pity to every Scholar and slave that have been mentioned through out the book (e.) I cried (I can’t control the waterworks) during the Third Trial (ALL THOSE DEAD PEOPLE!)

Click here for the full review

6. Corn: The Explosion of Sweetness—a memorable scene involving friendship/romance.


7. Cheese: The Bond of Calcium—two characters from different books you wish could be friends.

Cress from The Lunar Chronicles Cress is loyal and values friendship and you need that kind of friend in your life.

Andie Walker from The Unexpected Everything This girl is spot-on the most organizer person I know (well more like read about), I need her in my life to organize the shit that is currently traversing in my college life. I need you gurl!

8. Sour Cream: The Tangy Topper—the quirkiest character you’ve ever read (protagonist or supporting).


Lola Nolan from Lola and the Boy Next Door

Lola with her fashion quirks, her never-ending wig supply.

9. Guacamole: The Cost of Creaminess—a book you paid too much for.


City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

This is the most expensive book I have bought. When it came out two years ago,I had it the hardcover and signed edition pre-ordered over at BookDepository, I did save alot from shipping but those taxes are just-GAH!.

10. Lettuce: The Handful of Crispiness—a refreshing concept/theme in a book.


I would really love to read about or books with male-female friendship not leading to the road of forbidden romance (i.e Lady Midnight and other books). Can we just stick to a platonic relationship and not have them clawing each others body because of lust- i mean love?

11. Chips: Le Piece De Resistance—a must-read recommendation [if you like this book/genre/author, then you’ll like this book/genre/author].


12. Tabasco: The Kick to the Face—your favorite fight/action sequence.

The scene from the Confessions of Shopaholic, two ladies fighting for a pair of boots.(It’s still a fight scene- they were fighting over a pair of Gucci boots)



And on to tagging people! If you already did this tag you are all free to not do it.I am tagging:

  1. Caitia @ thegirlwhoreadtomuch
  2. mrenee @ mmctaggart
  3. Clemence
  4. Louise @geniereads
  5. Marina @wroteyouanovel
  6. And of course you! If you’re reading this post and want to do the tag feel free to do it!


My own posts that I actually like : A T5W Post


No, this is not a shameless self-promo for my blog postsq, we are really required to write about our fave blog post for today’s Top 5 Wednesday!

I have only published few post compared to other blogs out there, since in my 3 years of blogging, I had unannounced hiatus for  at least 8 months because I don’t have time to blog during those years with me struggling to understand university life (plus the internet connection in my old dorm is as slow as a snail). However we are  required to write 5 and guess who’s gonna rebel again and only write four? Me!



1.) Book Reviews for Sarah J Maas perfections! I always find Sarah J Maas books fun to write a review for because:

(a.) My dislike with Chaol is the reason why some people are/will be stoning me to death right now                                                                                                                       (b.) Using inappropriate languages while reviewing is inevitable                                           (c.) Titling those reviews got me lmao everytime.

2.) The post I shamelessly insulted the Disney Princess. It wasn’t directly directed to them, I was just appreciating the Lunar Chronicles!

3.) The post where I chronicled the mishaps I have with bookstores and Customer’s Service. 

4.) And my very first Binge Watch Post where I try to stomach the mess that was the Shadawohunters Series. If you are a fan of the television series, I am really sorry but it’s not really for me. I do have some issues with it as much as I have with the movie.

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If you’re curious enough to want to read those posts, I have place links above so go check it out!

Also please don’t forget follow and let’s talk about you’re favorite posts (from your blog) too!

Heir of Fire: Even more hot guys + history lessons


Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas (Throne of Glass #3)                                       Pages: 562                                 Format: Paperback                                Publisher: Bloomsbury                     Source: Purchased                               Shelve it at Goodreads

She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one.

Celaena Sardothien has survived deadly contests and shattering heartbreak—but at an unspeakable cost. Now she must travel to a new land to confront her darkest truth…a truth about her heritage that could change her life—and her future—forever.

Meanwhile, brutal and monstrous forces are gathering on the horizon, intent on enslaving her world. To defeat them, Celaena must find the strength to not only fight her inner demons but to battle the evil that is about to be unleashed.

The king’s assassin takes on an even greater destiny and burns brighter than ever before in this follow-up to the New York Times bestselling Crown of Midnight.

Amazon | BookDepository

Hands down to Sarah J. Maas in perfecting the art of writing hot guys. I need to stop drooling.

From the past 2 books, we have been grace by the crown prince of Adarlan, Dorian Havilliard and his sapphire eyes *drools*. We also have the brooding Captain of the Guards, Chaol Westfall (which for the past 2 books I have been consistently pronouncing as Chawl) and their semi-charming Roland Havilliard whose whereabouts we don’t know and we will all miss that hot bastard Archer Finn (whose death I really didn’t care about)

If those weren’t enough, we got three additional hot guys:
  1. Aedion Ashryver 
  2. Galan Ashryver 
  3. ROWAN freaking WHITETHORN 8nzZ76r.gif
(How great are the genes in the Ashrryver line?)

Now aside from all the hot guys we have additional characters (either to mourn for or to hate)

  1. We have Manon Blackbeak, the heir of the Blackbeak Throne(?) starting at the latest movie :How to train your wyvern coming soon in cinemas.
  2. We have Sorscha (which I pronounced as Sriracha)
  3. Those lords on the run from Terassen
  4. Those “soldiers” at Wendlyn
  5. Maeve being a b*tch

Now listing: All the weird thoughts I had when reading HoF

1.) On seeing Aedion with the ring (that rule them all) :We have another ring-bearer, you guys. Gollum will be so jealous.

2.) On Celaena’s magic training: Let’s  make Celaena even more unstoppable. Yes let’s do that.



3.) On same-sex couple mates:  Aren’t Emrys and Malakai so cute?

4.) On one particular death: You don’t effing give a character a POV in the book then kill him/her by the end! you just don’t!

5.) On the Fortress Battle betrayal: Please don’t let it be Lucas. Please don’t let it be Lucas.

6.) On King of Adarlan: God, I can’t wait to see you be Ramsayed and be fed to the wyverns. Every fiber of my being  just wants to be done with him. Guh!

7.) On hearing about the massacre: Don’t cry, don’t you fucking dare cry.


8.) The weirdest of them all: Why am I shipping Manon and Chaol? Why? Help me understand myself please! Is there any chance of Manon and Chaol meeting by Queen of Shadows? Is there? Because right now, this is the ship I want to sail with.

I am clearly forcing this ship to happen.tumblr_o4k7wd367z1ufm67do1_500



You collect scars because you want proof that you are paying for whatever sins you’ve committed. And I know this because I’ve been doing the same damn thing for two hundred years. Tell me, do you think you will go to some blessed Afterworld, or do you expect a burning hell? You’re hoping for hell–because how could you face them in the Afterworld?

-Celaena Sardothein

Talk about character development! I can’t..just.. the characters were just awesome. Gah! Especially with Celaena. It was a step-back for Chaol and for Dorian, I was glad that he had finally realize that he didn’t actually love Celaena. I think he was infatuated with the fact the Calaena was unlike any other girls he meet (basing on the pool of ladies attending his mother’s little tea parties).

I was happy that SJM didn’t milked too much when it comes to the relationship between Rowan and Celaena (Aelin). Yeah, you can tell that it may actually lead to something along the series, but how their relationship (currently in a platonic status) development along was pure gold. I am always a firm believer that of the quote “great relationships starts with great friendship” ( tbh, i just made up the quote).

Celaena clearly find Rowan attractive but at least she didn’t throw herself at him (ehem ehem, talking about those YA female progs), shouldn’t that be a good thing?  I never really saw her relationship with Rowan as something Chaol should be worried about until by the end of the book, until I realize that Rowan is much much much more suited with Celaena.



My greatest problem with this book was the build up was dragged too long. It took up atleast 3/4 of the book before the-part-where-you-are-sitting-at-the-edge-of-your-seat happened. And even that particular scene didn’t justified that roller coaster of emotions we had in Crown of Midnight. This is what leads me to knock down half a star.

There were a lot of backstory (history)  which I love. I, personally, finally had my answers. But it took too much for the plot to actually be more than than what was written. Heir of Fire was not the bad, but it wasn’t as good (plot-wise) with Crown of Midnight.(there i finally said it)

Another thing. ( for you to hate me)

This may sound as an unpopular opinion, but Chaol was really getting on my nerves. Chaol, you can’t just choose the certain attributes of Celaena to love. You don’t. You love the person as she is. You love her whole. Get it? But who am I kidding, never really liked Chaol even fom the first book. (Now don’t stone me to death, we all have our opinins)


summary4.5What were your thoughts while reading Heir of Fire? How much do you hate the King? And also I need to Read Queen of Shadows right now!


The Unexpected Everything | How to meet cute guys with the help of a furry companion

17838528 The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson  Pages: 519                               Format: e-book                                       Source: Purchased

Andie had it all planned out.
When you are a politician’s daughter who’s pretty much raised yourself, you learn everything can be planned or spun, or both. Especially your future.
Important internship? Check.
Amazing friends? Check.
Guys? Check (as long as we’re talking no more than three weeks).
But that was before the scandal. Before having to be in the same house with her dad. Before walking an insane number of dogs. That was before Clark and those few months that might change her whole life.
Because here’s the thing—if everything’s planned out, you can never find the unexpected.
And where’s the fun in that?


This is my first contemporary read since April (I believe, or was it March?) and my first Morgan Matson book. After reading a sh*t ton of fantasy and with sci-fi on the side, I can say the The Unexpected Everything is just the right amount of fluff, light romance, important family relationships, friendship and great character development. This book might even pull you out from a reading slump!

The book starts with with Andie’s summer plans going downhill. Now since her dad’s (a congressman) involve in a scandal and steps down from office and her pre-med med (as her friend Toby prefers to call it) internship in John Hopkins was withdrawn and knowing Andie like to plan everything out, she’s not happy with the outlook she’s seeing for her summer. With other best places for internship already taken, Andie resorted to look for a job at a bulletin board of a diner.

She took up a job as a dog-walker (Andie Walker, professional dog walker). And that’s how she meet Clark, the super cute nerd deck in his fandom shirts.

Along the course of the summer, she discovers that sometimes great things happens in spontaneity. It’s a story about family friendship and falling-in love for the first time.



This is focusing more with the friendship between Andy and her squad and of course Andy and with her dad.

Since her dad’s job usually made him unavailable for nightly family dinners and miss Andie’s life for the last 5 years, after he step down it try to patch up things with her.

It was fantastic that they took baby steps. It progresses nicely throughout the book.

On the other hand, her friends were #squadgoals. Each was written differently from the others. You can see how each plays a great role in the foundation of their friendship.

You have Toby, which you want to be friends with. She believe that her one true love will sweepnher of her feet rom-com style.

Then, you have Palmer. She takes things calmly and she reminds you of your mother.

And lastly you have Bri, which I don’t particularly like. (Sorry)

Their friendship was tested, and I like how Morgan Matson wrote it very realistically. From my shallow pool of knowledge with YA Contemporary, you seldomly see friendships going the same direction as what Matson did with Bri and Toby.

Now I have a perfect book boyfriend.


He’s character is refreshing to the YA contemporary. He was homeschooled but not anti-social, he is a nerd -wears Star Wars shirt and Doctor Who and also he possess those glorious abs (I like to repeat myself -I do read and appreciate male characters for other reasons too). He is smart but doesn’t spew alot of Virginia Woolfe quotes that he searched via google. (And I also hope that he and his dad will also mend their relationship) 

+ he is also an author to a very popular fantasy series (10 points for Mr. McCallister!)


Aside from taking a short break (a very very short one) from fantasy, what made me pick this book up was the fact that THERE ARE DOGS IN THE COVER and dogs in the story.
I love dogs (animals in general) I had one myself and every time I am at uni I walk her and with several other dogs (My dorm allows pets), and I am also at my 4th year in Vet School. (All I need to become Andie is to be as organize and of course bag someone like Clarke)

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A lot of reviews I have encountered usually complained about how the book was too long for a contenporary, but I didn’t mind it a bit. I flew through it pretty fast. Morgan Matson’s writing was so engrossing.
I particularly like those tiny tiny passages from the fantasy books Clark wrote. She should Rainbow (Rowell) it out and do a little Carry-on version.

Maybe not within the entirety of the book, there are parts where I think she’s great and shows maturity (i.e. scene at the farmhouse) but the scene where she caught Bri and Wyatt kissing and how she handled the situation made me question her character. Her solution to the problem was a drawback to how Morgan Matson portrayed her as an organized, smart and mature person. Yes, it was a whisk of a moment think-through, she was weighing the consequence but the problem was she picked the one where they have to lie to their other friends just to save their friendship. Gurl, that is not how it’s done.

Also gurl, that (initial) break-up with Clark was soooo beyond you and sooo cold (you could pass as Elsa).

But the main lesson was she saw how wrong she was with her actions, tried to correct it (using her dad’s campaign trailer), like a proper adult.


How’s your summer so far? Any plans gone wrong? Have you meet your Clark?









Week 2 Wrap-up: Dobby and the Kardashians

That sounds like a nice title for a new show. Huh.
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My Week 2 for the #HPReadathon2016 was uneventful. Just me reading the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which thankfully I didn’t finish within a day (Yes, I finally paced myself!) and also shamelessly binge-watched season 10 of Keeping up with the Kardashians (#qualitytv)

It’s summer and I am suppose to do something awesome this year, like at least go to the beach or do some traveling, but being lazy and broke will not get me anywhere this year, but at least I have finally enrolling in driving school (my mom doesn’t trust my innate knowledge in driving)

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Anyways, this week was devoted in reading and catching up with the t.v. series I miss during school also request bunch of e-books at Netgalley.

Arrow-Illustration-3How was your week? (and your driving skills?)


Starflight by Melissa Landers | Fast and the Furious : Space Edition

This maybe the first spoiler-free review I wrote

21793182.jpg Starflight by Melissa Landers            Pages: 369                                     Publisher: Disney-Hyperion                      Add on Goodreads

Life in the outer realm is a lawless, dirty, hard existence, and Solara Brooks is hungry for it. Just out of the orphanage, she needs a fresh start in a place where nobody cares about the engine grease beneath her fingernails or the felony tattoos across her knuckles. She’s so desperate to reach the realm that she’s willing to indenture herself to Doran Spaulding, the rich and popular quarterback who made her life miserable all through high school, in exchange for passage aboard the spaceliner Zenith.
When a twist of fate lands them instead on the Banshee, a vessel of dubious repute, Doran learns he’s been framed on Earth for conspiracy. As he pursues a set of mysterious coordinates rumored to hold the key to clearing his name, he and Solara must get past their enmity to work together and evade those out for their arrest. Life on the Banshee may be tumultuous, but as Solara and Doran are forced to question everything they once believed about their world—and each other—the ship becomes home, and the eccentric crew family. But what Solara and Doran discover on the mysterious Planet X has the power to not only alter their lives, but the existence of everyone in the universe…


This is definitely a fun book to read! Bonus: it is set in space. It was pitch as a soap-opera in space – but i think it was more like Fast and Furious.

  • The plot 

I always like my books (fantasy, sci-fi, thriller) to keep me on the edge of my bed or seat or even in the balcony (daredeviling) and this did it for me.

It wasn’t too overly complicated but the plot was kind-of generic- people on the run, being chase by killers then stumbling upon yet another group with questionable morals-angering them and you try to runaway from them and you know that shit’s gonna go down soon.


  • Characters

Although, the plot was quite generic, however the protagonist (Solara) has an edge compare to other female leads so far with the book I have read. She’s just on-point with her dry humour. She’s independent and self-sufficient but not too much to make you think that she’s just another bad-ass female heroine that is currently on trend.

Doran (which I read as Dorian for almost half the book), I would love him to be my male bestfriend. He started of as some asshole, that you have this urge to punch him every time he opens his spoiled little mouth.

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But him as a character progresses through out the book, he actually want to pat him in his head. He’s loyal, head strong and there’s more to him I want to read in the sequel. (Melissa Landers please make it happen)

A minute ago she wanted to break his jaw, and now she had to fight the urge to pat him on the head and give him a cookie. That had to be some kind of superpower. She finally understood how he got everything he wanted in life.

Zenith Crew I was hoping for an appearance of a Chewbacca character, but Renny will do. How perfect was it that Solara and Doran boarded a clackering old ship manned by a man with a large percentage of machinery in his body, and crewed by people with questionable backgrounds?

Bonus: THEY HAVE SPACE PIRATES! (How awesome is that!)


  • Relationship building

This is the main reason why I love this book. 

I read Melissa Landers’ other book, which was Alienated didn’t love it. It was drowning me with insta-love and romance (it was too much for me) but this is different

The relationship started as mutual distaste for either other. Doran was pitched as a privileged frat-boy in trust fund and Solara as your bright young mind with a record (hence her tattoos in her knuckles). But as the story progresses, their distaste became companionship-for-survival to actual becoming friends then leading to their (inevitable) romance. There’s progress! How many YA books have you read with this kind of relationship development? (Let me know which books, I would glad to read those!)

So if you guys want to read and enjoy a sci-fi book where you won’t twist your tongue in reading big corporation names or memorize too many names  go read Starflight!



Are you all for  insta-love or do you also want to read books with great relationship development?


Crown of Midnight: More hot dudes, doors and deaths

I written everything in a notebook, but looking at it now, I wrote a merger amount of thoughts and this won’t help me write the right feels — but damn I don’t know what to feel.
Review may contain spoilers.


Crown of Midnight by Sarah J Maas        Shelve this at GoodReads

From the throne of glass rules a king with a fist of iron and a soul as black as pitch. Assassin Celaena Sardothien won a brutal contest to become his Champion. Yet Celaena is far from loyal to the crown. She hides her secret vigilantly; she knows that the man she serves is bent on evil.

Keeping up the deadly charade becomes increasingly difficult when Celaena realizes she is not the only one seeking justice. As she tries to untangle the mysteries buried deep within the glass castle, her closest relationships suffer. It seems no one is above questioning her allegiances—not the Crown Prince Dorian; not Chaol, the Captain of the Guard; not even her best friend, Nehemia, a foreign princess with a rebel heart.

Then one terrible night, the secrets they have all been keeping lead to an unspeakable tragedy. As Celaena’s world shatters, she will be forced to give up the very thing most precious to her and decide once and for all where her true loyalties lie… and whom she is ultimately willing to fight for.

summarizingIt shifts from: (me during a Celaena-killing spree)


to (innocent unexpected deaths!)


then (plot fucking twists):



Why I now love Crown of Midnight more than Throne of Glass:

  1. More dudes (Please note that I also read and love books for other reasons)
  2. Additional secret doors (I get it that castles are old and have secret passages, Hogwarts even had tons of it)
  3. More deaths (I really didn’t care about the deaths from the first one, but I may have shed a few ( an understatement) in the second. The poor singer!
  4. More revelations ( damn those plot twists and turns)
  5. More assassin-y (is that even a word?) We finally seen the wraith that is Celaena Sardothein.
  6. They have fucking contraceptives but not a decent light source.
  7. Betrayals!!!


I think the way Sarah J Maas now writes it more leaning toward New Adult (but that is just me basing everything from the second book of a 6 book series). It was kind of steamy back when I was read ACoTaR but Celaena and Chaol would make my book-bff faint and melt like chocolate ( I am not really on board with any of the pairings in the book, because I still think that there is a better pair with Celaena other than a prince and a lord-soon-to-be)

(Fun Fact: I am at our couch and currently thinking what other stuff to write for at least 20 minutes now. Still nothing -that is why I am writing this.)

Let’s talk about:

  1. Celeana. SHE.WAS.AWESOME. I could actually atest that her being Adarlan’s Assassin was a title she should proudly wear as a sash (beauty queen style). Back at book one -she wasn’t assassin-y enough, this because of the hold back that she must kept her identity a secret for the competition. But gurl, she has gone full-blown assassin all bloody and wraith.From her dragging along a head of a corpse to being covered in her victim’s blood.
    tumblr_inline_nz7kwlx3iG1tr7dy5_500.gifCeleana finally had character-growth. *cue in confetti* I find Celaena more mature and much curious. I must admit that she is as implusive and irrattional (sometimes) as she wasfrom the first book, but she’s loyal to her friends (except the part where is almost killed one) we also finally knew a few details regarding her family background and we totally felt like Chaol when the info was dump. #HailPrincess
  2. I am sensing that Kaltain’s character would also develop along the series. I hope her headaches won’t though.
  3. Complex backstories and subplots. Thanks to Baba Yellowlegs for a quick history lesson with complex backstories and “myths” about the witches and magic. (RIP Baba Yellowlegs, the last of her kind)
  4. The hooded-creature that almost killed Dorian and Celeana. What was that? Who was that?
  5. The Secret Club of the Douchebags aka The Duke, the King and little Roland (?)With their secrets and their matching rings.





Have you read the Crown of Midnight? What were your thoughts? Let’s talk about it below!




Books I am Pumped for the Second Half of 2016

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We are half-way through the year, that was fast. In just a month, I will be starting my 4th year in Vet school (the struggle to pass my subjects and not to sleep during classes is inevitable),and in few months we will be celebrating Christmas (more money for books!).

At the start of the year, I posted my top anticipated reads for the first half of the year, since a lot of great books are to be release this year (Yey, books! Nay, money!) and added the said books to my leaning tower of Pisa – I mean my TBR pile. And here I am, now half-way through the year listing yet another string of books I am willing to trade a kidney for (or probably both)

As I am listing my Top Ten Anticipated Books for July-December, you can hear the cries of my wallet and bank account in the background.

Here are the top 10 books I am so pumped to spend my cash on:

Images via Goodreads

Shelve the books in Goodreads: Strange the Dreamer | Heartless | Girl Against the Universe | This Savage Song | Caraval | Stealing Snow | Harry Potter and the Curse Child | A Torch Against the Night | Crooked Kingdom | The Black Key

watercolor_arrow_800-fHow about you? What are the books you want to spend money on this second half of the year? Let’s gush about it at the comment section!

Week 1 Recap: #HPReadathon2016 and in-betweens

A weekly recap (since when have I decided to do a recap?)  and run-down of things I did this week (mostly reading).


Did I regret finishing the first book in a day instead of pacing it for 7 days?

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Am I excited for Week 2? (We will be reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!):


If you haven’t heard, Tan @Slythertan is hosting a Harry Potter Readathon that started last Sunday and will end this July 31 (We are also anticipating the release of the script-book Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Full details of the readathon will be link below.

#HPreadathon : Twitter | Tumblr


Books I have read  this week (also currently reading) while impatiently waiting for #HPReadathon Week 2 to start:

 Images via Goodreads

I have immensely enjoyed reading Starflight (review will be posted in my blog soon), and I am currently enjoying some fluffy contemporary for summer (The Unexpected Everything).

Another in-betweens is my binge-reading for Dramione fanfiction over the course of 3 days. Yes, I do read  fanfiction and I also think that it’s literature, and I also think that Draco and Hermione is the ship of them all.
