The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer: R.I.P Disney Damsel Princesses

I just finish the reading Winter this month, and I just want to write a book talk (yup not a book review, but still please bear with me and read it in its entirety) that may sound like an Honest (Book) Trailer!


Disney presents…

Cinder the Cyborg as Cinderella, the true lost princess of Lunar

Scarlet as Little Red Riding Hood, who feel in love with Wolf-the street fighter

Cress as Rapunzel, who is thrown in a satellite with no stairs leading to earth  and is socially awkward

Winter as Snow White (and if there will be a movie about this,let’s hope that the role will not go to KStew), the illegitimate child which could possibly delusional ( could also be paranoia)

And combining all those bitchy antagonist in Disney Movies (The mongols in Mulan included and Elsa of Frozen ) Disney brings you the wicked of ‘em all Queen Levana, the mist-using evil queen of Luna (Yes, there are living creature with superpowers living on our moon)

(How I wish Disney will take this franchise… But I can stretch the deal until Michael Bay.)

Prepare as Marissa Meyer, turned your regular Disney Princesses and characters to some bad-ass characters:

(a.) who one is a half cyborg,

(b.) who can fly planes,

(c.) who are left by their parents,

(d.) who was left alone in a satellite to stalk people on Earth,

(f.) who saw their love ones die in front of their eyes,

(g.) who might be suffering delusions and paranoia and

(h.)one was convicted as the most wanted criminal of the Union.

(Yes, just your typical teenagers overcoming coming-of-age crap)

Read on as they rescue helpless their princes , who only care about flirting, lying, his hair, betraying  and saving his own face and one almost ate his one true love  (Disclaimer: In this series only one is a legitimate prince, others vary from a mutant soldier – nope not a turtle, trust me-, a queen’s guard, and finally a thief – yup I didn’t type it wrong) But they are still as hot as they were in the original Disney movies (maybe a tad hotter *wink)

Read as they travel the world in 80 days. Read, as one of them searches for answers regarding her true identity. And prepare yourself for the final book that will narrate on how the true princess of Luna overthrow her own aunt the wicked witch  queen of Luna, who tried to kill her when she was a baby, who actually killed her mom the true queen who—damnit just read the book.


LONG STORY SHORT: They could be doing this to possibly land an audition of the remake of Lara croft.

watercolor_arrow_800-f Have you read the Lunar Chronicles? What’s you’re favorite book in the series? Let’s talk/gush/fangirl about it at the comment section!


{Book Talk} Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo (Six of Crow #2)

22299763.jpgCROOKED KINGDOM BY LEIGH BARDUGO  Pages: 448                        Publisher: Orion Children’s Books        Expected publishing date: September 27, 2016

Kaz Brekker and his crew have just pulled off a heist so daring even they didn’t think they’d survive. But instead of divvying up a fat reward, they’re right back to fighting for their lives. Double-crossed and left crippled by the kidnapping of a valuable team member, the crew is low on resources, allies, and hope. As powerful forces from around the world descend on Ketterdam to root out the secrets of the dangerous drug known as jurda parem, old rivals and new enemies emerge to challenge Kaz’s cunning and test the team’s fragile loyalties. A war will be waged on the city’s dark and twisting streets―a battle for revenge and redemption that will decide the fate of magic in the Grisha world.

PREODER THE BOOK NOW: BookDepository | Amazon

No mourners. No funerals – Kaz Brekker


Can I get confetti over here?  This duology deserves it.

Now, if you are asking if should you value my opinion since, (1.) I have only read the first one and (2.) the second book is yet to come? My answer is yes. (Because I just said so)

If you saw and read my review ( I rated it 5 Hodor heads), you would understand why.

watercolor_arrow_800-f                                                                            CHARACTERS

Bardugos’characters have been the main reason why I have love the book so much (i.e. fangirling about it, shove-it-to-your-throat recommending to my friends, begged my book and real-life bff to read it so we can fangirl together) Thankfully, my bookhangover was short (pweh!)

Everyone’s banters are just on fleek! But sometimes there few point s in the book where you yourself would want to end their lives because of the denials (of feelings) among your ships.

Image via book reaction of Lucia

They all are flawed and imperfect in their own way, and that what makes them real and human (but that just me). They all have great backstories from the first book, and from that standpoint a lot could arise (secrets to divulge) for each of them.

P.S. I hope all my ships will finally sail.

tumblr_nobhbfnpkF1qlgbzbo1_500.gifImage via Google

watercolor_arrow_800-f                                                                           WORLD-BUILDING

I guess not everyone will be including this. Full disclosure: I have not read and probably will not really the Grisha Trilogy (I just heard a lot of not so great things with its final book– it’s probably suffering the same case with The Retribution of Mara Dyer).

But to me (a Grisha Trilogy non reader) the world-building hit me with a bag full of epicness. The world’s description if so on point that it fueled my imagination. ( Yah get it?)

P.S. I also like and appreciate books with maps especially those  fantasy/high-fantasy genre


                          About the Author                                                           lb-headshot-350.png

Leigh Bardugo is the #1 New York Times bestselling and USA Today bestselling author of Six of Crows (awarded starred reviews from Kirkus, Publishers Weekly, VOYA, SLJ, and the BCCB) and the Grisha Trilogy: Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm, and Ruin and Rising. She was born in Jerusalem, grew up in Los Angeles, graduated from Yale University, and has worked in advertising, journalism, and most recently, makeup and special effects. These days, she lives and writes in Hollywood where she can occasionally be heard singing with her band.





Throne of Glass | Assassins, Hot dudes, & Magic


Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas Format: Paperback                             Pages:404                                     Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Children’s                                     Source: Purchased

After serving out a year of hard labor in the salt mines of Endovier for her crimes, 18-year-old assassin Celaena Sardothien is dragged before the Crown Prince. Prince Dorian offers her her freedom on one condition: she must act as his champion in a competition to find a new royal assassin.

Her opponents are men-thieves and assassins and warriors from across the empire, each sponsored by a member of the king’s council. If she beats her opponents in a series of eliminations, she’ll serve the kingdom for four years and then be granted her freedom. Celaena finds her training sessions with the captain of the guard, Westfall, challenging and exhilirating. But she’s bored stiff by court life. Things get a little more interesting when the prince starts to show interest in her… but it’s the gruff Captain Westfall who seems to understand her best.

Then one of the other contestants turns up dead… quickly followed by another. Can Celaena figure out who the killer is before she becomes a victim? As the young assassin investigates, her search leads her to discover a greater destiny than she could possibly have imagined.


I have this condition called, buying a book on it’s release and read it a year after purchasing. (Do you also have that?) It’s not like my tbr pile height is the same with the Eiffel Tower or any of the pyramids of Egypt is it just that, when I bought a book with a very very very big hype around it I usually put it off (Like what I am doing with Lady Midnight rn) not because I have lost interest – but I am too afraid to pick it up because of the hype. Yah get me? Was the clear?

And one of the victims was the Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. I’ve attempted to read it when my copy arrived, but I dnfed it. (Please don’t stone me to death) The wonderful thing was after probably 2 years now, I’ve given a friend of mine  a copy since the kind of books she reads usually have the same plot like ToG (bad-ass females and hot dudes!), and she loved it (love would be an understatement, since she shove the book down my throat just to make me try to read it again).  And here I am babbling about how I have read a book I dnfed and now loving it (fangirling really). You must be hear for the review and now I am giving to you.


240_F_101554532_82hl7hEpJqlUECpPUYTagMlASHcQdbtbHere’s a trope in YA that I could never hate – GREAT BAD-ASS FEMALE LEADS! 

I envision myself wielding a bad-ass sword, jumping tall heights, shooting long range with bow and arrow and of course sassy at any cause. Who wouldn’t? Me and my book and real life bbf like are females that way. And Celaena Sardothein made our cuts. Celaena is a mixed of witty, sassy and just a whole lot of badassery, and we both love her!

Here’s another thing we like about her. She’s feels human to us. She has her imperfections, she still feels fear (even if she’s the most wanted Assassin in their wold). Yey to great female leads! (ALSO SHE HAS A PUPPY!)



It’s not drowning with love-triangle sheninigans (Bless, Sarah’s heart). Still there are two hot guys in the book, one clearly showed affection and the other makes me feel like being stalk (Yes, I mean Chaol), but Celaena is not clamoring both at the same time. (Blessed Sarah’s heart again!) I think her feelings toward Chaol is more on the friendlier and platonic relationship as to compare with Dorian. (Wow, I am spoiling too much)


Red tide

Finally a book featuring the struggles of being a chick. It feels great, that Aldran’s greatest assassin also feels the agony of menstral  cramps. (Thank you Sarah J. Maas!)meeeh

Now since I hadn’t finish it the first time. One of the biggest qualms I have with the book is the writing. Or maybe it’s just me losing interest. (Sometimes never trust my opinions, trust me.) Or it could also be because, I was suffering a mild case of book hangover.



This is probably the biggest  meeeh point for me. So I have read the Poison Study earlier this year and there are certain points with ToG similar with PS. (a) Magic is prohibited (b) a someone all-powerful conquered the whole continent and banned magic (c) criminal-turned slaves given a chance for freedom.



Yeah. But maybe its just the first book. I have yet to see and read the rest of the series.







Characters I am most likely (hopefully I am that close to being like them as I thought)


Hola stratosphere! I am back with another of the posts I haven’t and rarely updates. It’s Wednesday and I will be looking for characters I am most likely too!

Cath Avery from Fangirl

I’ve read Fangirl when I was an upcoming freshie in college (that was like 3 years ago) and Cath was practically my spirit animal (yes I was shy back when I was a freshman). Cath got me through a tormenting moment that was surviving my first year away from home and being an adult.




Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson Series

Annabeth is stubborn and can think on her feet. And I pride myself for being those two too (or so I thought)







Rose Hathaway from The Vampire Academy Series

Rose is oozing with confidence and sass.

Me? Just sass. Also I like a little rule-breaking.





 Loony Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter Series

From Harry’s point of view Luna is “Luna was once again demonstrating her usual knack of speaking of uncomfortable truths; he has never meet anyone quite like her.

I usually make my friends uncomfortable with all the truths.



Once again, this list haven’t reach 5. When did I even follow rules? I am pulling a Rose Hathaway on you guys! Haha

T5W is hosted by Sam from @Thoughtstotomes and Lainey from @Gingerreadslainey from more deets about the group go check it out on Goodreads!



Book Review | Teens who didn’t follow the rules and end up being dead


The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude Format: e-ARC                               Publishing date : May 3, 2016      Source: Netgalley

Stay on the roads. Don’t enter the woods. Never go out at night.

Those are the rules in Rowan’s Glen, a remote farming community in the Missouri Ozarks where Ivy Templeton’s family has lived for centuries. It’s an old-fashioned way of life, full of superstition and traditions, and sixteen-year-old Ivy loves it. The other kids at school may think the Glen kids are weird, but Ivy doesn’t care—she has her cousin Heather as her best friend. The two girls share everything with each other—or so Ivy thinks. When Heather goes missing after a May Day celebration, Ivy discovers that both her best friend and her beloved hometown are as full of secrets as the woods that surround them.


Don’t you effing dare read this in the dark! It was not that dark when I read it but it still creeps the bed bugs outta my bed. (I don’t have bed bugs though, thank goodness). I have never though that I would be enjoying it ( nope, not the murders and mutilations that I have read *Spoiler alert*) Mostly when I got approve on Netgalley, it is usually books with authors I am not familiar with, and turns out I hardly had enough interest to pursue reading the books. But this! THIS is a good book!  This is mystery, thriller, suspense and it screams bloodly murder just with the title


and of course the cover is a thing of a beauty! The pink and the girl at the middle is really working on me.




Plot wise the book was great, it was fast-paced. It doesn’t dwell on space-filler (which sometime annoy me much when reading). It really does go direct to the point when it comes to serving it’s plot.



There is no insta-love! Thank goodness. So far from the books that I have read (since reading The Jewel and the Beginning of Everything) (this also meant that I have only read 2 books so far this April *cue in sad music*) I am weaving my way to 2016 trying to stealthy dodging books with the case of insta-love, and this one is INSTA-LOVE FREE.




Diversity. There is a good amount of diversity in this book.





You never saw that ending coming. Here the good thing about this book, you assumed a certain guess on how would this book end but guess what you are wrong.



  1. The stammering. Ivy has a bad case of stammering when she is nervous, or sometimes panicking seldomly happening withe no right reason.
  2. Heather annoys me to the level of me hating her is just hating her. I wasn’t even happy about *spoiler* her trying to protect Ivy. Because come on! *I can’t spoil this for you anymore* It maybe part of the charm of the book for some but for me, meeeh.
  3. Although the book was fast-paced. There are still plot-points that I think are not necessary for for the build-up of the story. Sometimes it kind of give away the plot to early, but atleast it never gave away the ending, too early.


Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an eARC for this book.


5th Wave (Film): How Cassie was left behind by the bus


Welcome dear fellows! We are now back to my regular programming since it is finally and proudly  my summer. (And I am planning on binge watching and reading my books and movies and series and everything I can hardly do when I am in school, that also includes eating anything that I like (that is only available in our fridge and pantry, Hazzah!)

On this latest post of Binge Watch, I will be nitpicking everything that I don’t like with the movie The 5th Wave which we all know that is an movie adaptation from Rick Yancey’s bestseller which lso has the same title.

So let’s get started let the nitpicking begin! watercolor-leaves-2


I am not a huge huge huge huge fan of the book (since I still haven’t read books 2 and not even anticipating for the 3rd), although I was currently reading it last weekend of Easter, where I took a very short break from a month long of exams. I have currently DNFed (did not finish) it. reasons to be discuss later.  But with the movie, it was even worst.


Sammy is really annoying me. Especially the scene when Cassie was left behind by the bus. Sammy, dear, you could have shouted at the driver. It was frustrating to watch the scene where Sammy was not even committed on banging the back window of the bus. It seems like in the end it was okey for him that his sister left behind.



I didn’t remember any party that Cassie attended in the book. I know the screen writer wants to incorporate his/her ideas for the audience to enjoy.I have no qualms from giving a story a twist, but that party is just a set-up for the Cassie-Ben ship and doesn’t entirely giving a umph to the movie. You know what I mean right? Right?


240_F_101554532_82hl7hEpJqlUECpPUYTagMlASHcQdbtb.jpg This  is an another segment of: I wish they stuck with the book episode. 

The explanation of Ben about what happened during the raid in the book was much more believable rather than how quickly Ben’s lie in the movie came down.




We never saw Tea Cup being her feisty self. This is sad, because I like Tea Cup in the book.



Still are there are a lot of things and scenes in the movie that I didn’t like, and this includes the special effects. They could have made it better, they could have stuck with the original material, or incorporate other things that actually made the movie
more interesting.


This may actually depend on the trailer (and reviews from other people who will clearly watch the movie on the day it was release.) And if ever Sony decided not to continue the franchise, we still have the books (which I am still interested in reading even if I dnfed the first) to diving  into.
