Book Tour : The Vrai Domicile by Courtney Ruggle | Book Review: The Sixth Domicile



The characters are likeable but they were written too one-dimensional that you wouldn’t care too much on their problems and likewise on how Q was talking about the male protagonists penis for at least 2 paragraphs, but I am cutting them some slack off since it’s a New Adult and we need to read about how taut it looks and glittery under the moonlight.



There are times when you just want to slam your head against the wall, because you don’t know if you’ll like the female protagonist for being “brave” and extremely stupid at the same time. But, I find her portrayal refreshing to old dystopian readers. She did not hesistate when ask to join the rebellion, which you don’t see a lot in dystopian (there’s always that part of the main protagonist to play hard-to-get through out the book.)


There is a lot of potential for the plot to flourish, (i do hope this happens in the second book), government oppression, strict implementation of rules, secret rebellions here and there but it focused to much on the love between two characters you won’t care until the end of the book. Dystopian buried deep deep deep down in a plot too focus on much on romance between two characters.


There is nothing new with the world and world-building with this book. It simply follows the typical dystopian history on how the world was in chaos and blah-di-blah-da-blah a group of people try to save them blah-di-blah how oppressing it became blah-di-blah we have a girl who clearly is a threat to the said oppressing government.





Courtney’s love for writing started pretty much when she learned to read, which her mother would tell you was a feat in itself back when she was in the first grade. Once she aced those flashcards with vocabulary words, Courtney’s writing took off.  And her love with it.  In school, she was always writing short stories on a word processor (What?? Word processor with floppy disks?). Oh yes, she literally had a card filing case full of floppy disks.

Now getting her Doctorate in social work, she’s used this education to help her write some of the gritty issues entwined in her stories. When Courtney isn’t writing her next book while drinking coffee, you can find her doing homework (drag) with chocolate chip flavored coffee, reading series of books (because school books are only so interesting) while drinking pumpkin flavored coffee, playing with her little boy, or daydreaming of future beach houses while drinking some other scrumptious flavor of coffee.


Pokemon Go Book Tag | Gotta catch them all


Hello blog-o-sphere! I haven’t been quiet active recently (1.) because SCHOOL (nothing new there) and (2.) I have become quiet addicted to throwing pokeballs at Pokemons.  I have spent too much time on catching Pokemons than doing school stuff and reading, and yes I really do know how to straighten out my priorities in life.

I wasn’t tag by anyone, credits for original graphics goes to Readatmidnight. ( look how cute these graphics are!)


One of the very first books that got started me into reading was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Yes, as a newb in reading I read the second book in a series and still enjoyed it, without any knowledge regarding the first book.


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen has always been an iconic classic and a favorite of mine (also probably the only Jane Austen book that I have read in my entire life).


I have lost interest in reading Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kauffman and Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. But I do hope that my interest in them would perked up and I might pick them up again.


Maybe not entirely on the love level, but I did really enjoyed Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard immensely even if it there are certain parts are have drowned with tropes form other books.


I am giving you a very obvious answer– Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. I bought the book last year, and was shocked because itwas a massive hardcover book with tiny tiny paperback fonts. pokemon-tag06-gengar

I have read a lot of books that keep me up all night, but the most recent read was Broken Prince by Erin Watt and Stolen Songbird by Danielle Jensen. pokemon-tag07-nidokingqueen

My latest bookish OTP is Cecile de Troyes and Tristan de Montigny from Stolen Songbird, their slow-burning, too hot to handle romance is just burning every inch of my skin.



(I had said enough)


You can feed me any book with regards to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and I will cobble it up like it was my favorite pizza in the least amount of time.


Starflight by Melissa Landers did surprised me. I was not a huge fan of the authors previous series. I read the first book Alienated and decided that I cannot force-read myself into liking a hyped book again. But from awesome recommendations from the good fellows from GoodReads I had picked up Starflight and was surprised, I bet that you would too!



I will be using a book as an answer since, the series just started with it’s first book being published earlier, and that would be Nevernight by Jay Kristoff the hype these past few months was so huge that its making me hesistant to want to read it, but I am excited though!


My body is so ready for Caraval and Long may She Reign, and both books aren’t either near to being publish yet.



Every Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell Special Collector’s Edition.  *baby grabby hands*



I will not pass out from buying any Sarah J Maas books. You will see my shelves be filled with SJM’s books, you will.



I already did my waiting for 12 years in Azkaban for Lady Midnight by Cassanra Clare, my new frustrating wait for this year is Book #3 for the A Court of Thorns and Roses Series/ Trilogy ( and I still haven’t read ACOMAF, so… I really need to get to that)

I am tagging anyone who wants to do this tag. And see you when my internet data is low and Pokemon Catching has loss it’s novel to me! Oh look a Dratini outside my college dorm!

A Very Late July + HP Readathon Wrap-up | Curse Child Panic


Another month has past. Another month was spent reading and fangirling all-around. There’s no regrets there.

Hello blog-o-sphere and welcome to my monthly wrap-up. Yes, I had broke through from the claws of procrastination and decided that July also needs a wrap-up even if I have not done anything amazing this month.

Life Update: 

Sad truths: (a.) My summer vacation ended this month  (b.) I am not ready for school (tbh I am always not ready)

Now since it was our last, and my college buddies and I finally met after a 4-month long vacation, we were planning to make it count. And by making it count, meaning will be spending less than 300 php (that’s less than $7)

here’s a random photo you’ve wished you can unsee!:

2016-08-05 09.21.32 1.jpg

Pardon the faces. I know, we look like victims of a shipwreck-happy victims to be precise

Reading Update: 

This is the month were I was reading non-stop (although I did because I took pee-breaks and short trips to the kitchen for food). I read a total of  10 books and Dnfed 1.

July was also the last league for the HPREADATHON2016. Although I finished Deathly Hallows by August I still pride myself for neglecting 3/4 my tbr pile. *high fives self* Re-readathons are the greatest excuse one can use to reread a favorite series without being shame on the amount of untouched books that still needs to be read.

Cursed Child Panic:

I am panicking. You just can’t tell because I am hiding it in tons of fangirl layer and calmness. But truth be told, I.AM.FREAKING.PANICKING. The excitement in killing me. The wait is killing me. AND BOOKDEPOSITORY INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING IS KILLING ME. A tiny tiny part of me wishes that I have purchased my copy from a local bookstore but me being channeling my mother, canvassed few both international and local book shops and stores to try to look for the cheapest book with shipping and Bookdepository is the only one who understood the frustrations of being on a limited budget set by your parents.

Yes I did save a lot with the purchased and shipping cost, but the span of time for shipping had me on my toes. My friend (whose wallet spew cash every week) already had her copy, and she read it and NOW I AM TRYING TO AVOID HER AND SPOILERS. (I am such a great friend.)





Stolen Songbird by Danielle L. Jensen

pages: 324

Format: e-book

Publisher: Strange Chemist

Publishing date: April 1, 2014

Source: Purchased


For five centuries, a witch’s curse has bound the trolls to their city beneath the mountain. When Cécile de Troyes is kidnapped and taken beneath the mountain, she realizes that the trolls are relying on her to break the curse.

Cécile has only one thing on her mind: escape. But the trolls are clever, fast, and inhumanly strong. She will have to bide her time…

But the more time she spends with the trolls, the more she understands their plight. There is a rebellion brewing. And she just might be the one the trolls were looking for…


We have been wrong about trolls —VERY WRONG about them.


Not this troll.


Nope, that’s a boxtrolls.

giphy (1)

Wait are these even trolls? Stone trolls?

Clearly there is not enough representation of trolls to accurately describe the trolls from Daniel Jensen’s prospective. To sum it up (hopefully, it’s accurate), trolls from Stolen Songbird are descendants of the feys that now live under the mountain because of a curse. Some of them bore deformities which make then undesirable to humans, however those who escape such circumstance bore the great resemblance of fey – in short they are effing good-looking. 


1.) World-building and plot

As some of you know, I am a sucker for really great world-building. Sucker- would be an understatement since I LIVE and BREATHE for awesome great-building and this book has it!

The world was a combination of  history, lies darkness and all-in-all beautiful. (I am trying  not to turn my capslocks on)

This is one of those books which you read and be effing surprised on how you ended up loving it. The premise clearly didn’t do the whole plot justice and so does the cover, but you need to ignore those because once you have entered Trollus.

The political game in this book is effing complex and is just a webful of political plays from different sectors and people in the city and sometime you don’t know who the real villian in the story is.(that’s what keeping me on my toes) It was either the gluttonous king, or if it was the Duchy or was everything a lie.

Every single chapter had you at the edge of wherever you are sitting.


I tweeted (a lot) about this. I have raved about it in my Goodreads. I bombarded my group chat with book friends with the constant “I LOVE IT” gifs to the point where they actually considered in temporarily kicking me out from the chat, and here I’ll still be gashing about it.

The writing ( I will repeat myself again) is just pure gold. There is really something about the writing that will make you finish the book unconsciously in one night without every putting it down.


Are you now sick of reading book with love triangles? How about the ones with the most abuse trope of all – “The Chosen One” or “The Special One” or whatever they are called this days? Or totally over with read books with a Mary Sue-mentality? BECAUSE THIS BOOK HAS NONE OF THOSE.

This is what made this book so special, because it doesn’t surf with the usual tropes Young Adult books are drowning. You got your ass-kicking bad-ass and arrow shooting heroines and you have your damsel-in-distress heroines that needs a man and you have those heroines like Cecile. The ones where you know are independent and head-strong and yet they don’t weild any metal to defend themselves and they surely knows how to play a political game.

Then you have Tristan, who by the way was from from a Prince Charming that’ll will sweep you off your feet and drop your panties when you first met him and he was kind of a douche back then but he DO HAVE A LEGIT reason to. He was not your brooding-for no-reason bad-boy prince.

It was clear that every word, every emotion and every character did play a very important role as the story progress to being more complex and dark.

You really need to read this. ASAP. (This is not a request)

rating (1)5


Book Adaptation Wish List Tag


Hello blog-o-sphere, and welcome to another tag post courtesy by yours truly. The original tag was created by by Monica @ shemightbemonica at BookTube. I wasn’t tag  by anyone, maybe because this tag haven’t surface to the book blog community, but since you know that I am a little (an understatement) rebel, I am STILL going to.

The great  thing about this book tag is you are given categories to which you would love to some of your favorite books be turned to musicals, plays, cartoon shows. It is awesome!

Let’s get to the tag:

1.) Movie

We have seen a lot of books turned to movies and either directed their path to a successful franchise (i.e. Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent) or die after one (or two) movie attempt (i.e. City of Bones & Percy Jackson, Vampire Academy). The next series I wanna see in the big screen (and hopefully don’t get butchered) is :


Someone please make it happen.


2.) TV Show

This might be a little controversial, but I was rooting for the Infernal Devices to become a TV show rather than TMI. (Hold your horses let me explain). REASONS:

(A.) There are 3 books and I think the screen writers would not milk it to far to the point that unnecessary seasons come to life.

(b.) The setting and costumes would just be EPIC.

(c.) WILL HERONDALE (I want Will Herondale to materialize into flesh)

3.) Cartoon

I actually want to see Percy Jackson and the Olympians as a cartoon TV series. One GREAT thing about this is now we won’t go BALLISTICS over wrong casting choices.


4.) Graphic Novel/Comic

Wanna know the perfect book?

Can I get a drumroll! (This is where you’ll play the drum roll sound in your mind)

23437156.jpgI think I don’t need to explain this.



5.) Play

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak would be a nice play. The setting, the costumes and everything is screaming play to me.


6.) Musical


I would love to see Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover as a musical. There are already songs existing in the book, it would be really cool to see dancing here. (Just saying)

watercolor_arrow_800-f.jpgHere’s my book adaptation wishlist. I am tagging anyone who wants to do the this!