Sorted | My Pottermore Comeback


Hey blog-o-sphere! I am officially a student. Well, I do attend university but you know what I mean! I JUST GOT SORTED! (but my life is still a mess)

I used to have a Pottermore account (the old site, where you’ll attend classes and brew Potions and whatnots), back when I was in highschool. Then since I started college (with a crap internet connection), and I have not log in since.

UNTIL NOW.  (Does that make me a bad Potterhead I hope not) 

Now since Ilvermorny sorting was also launched, I took the liberty (I was also bored) in getting myself sorted in North America’s Wizarding School and also got myself a new wand.


Since the dawn of Pottermore until it’s recent update of Hogwarts Sorting quiz, (I took both quizzes twice to make sure it was not a fluke)


Where are my Ravenclaw homies!! Holla! 


TMRtCJe image via

For those who haven’t heard of Ilvermorny, it is the North America school of magic.

The great North American school of magic was founded in the seventeenth century. It stands at the highest peak of Mount Greylock, where it is concealed from non-magic gaze by a variety of powerful enchantments, which sometimes manifest in a wreath of misty cloud. (Courtesy: Pottermore)

Cool fact : at in that time period they call muggles as non-maj (non-magical).

Before sorting, there is an epic origin story on how Ilvermorny was founded.(read the Beginnings of Ilvermorny). Ilvermorny stands with also with 4 Houses, Horned Serpent, Wampus, Thunderbird and Pukwudgie.

But anyways, like the sorting for Hogwarts, you got to answer a series of questions that will eventually sort you to your House.  And I did that and was sorted to:


watercolor_arrow_800-f.jpgHave you been sorted to a House in Hogwarts or Ilvermorny? What House are you in? Let’s chat down below!


Week 2 Wrap-up: Dobby and the Kardashians

That sounds like a nice title for a new show. Huh.
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My Week 2 for the #HPReadathon2016 was uneventful. Just me reading the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which thankfully I didn’t finish within a day (Yes, I finally paced myself!) and also shamelessly binge-watched season 10 of Keeping up with the Kardashians (#qualitytv)

It’s summer and I am suppose to do something awesome this year, like at least go to the beach or do some traveling, but being lazy and broke will not get me anywhere this year, but at least I have finally enrolling in driving school (my mom doesn’t trust my innate knowledge in driving)

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Anyways, this week was devoted in reading and catching up with the t.v. series I miss during school also request bunch of e-books at Netgalley.

Arrow-Illustration-3How was your week? (and your driving skills?)


2016 Reading Goals (Or not setting any goals)

I never really reached my Goodreads reading goals. FOR 3 YEARS NOW!


I need to stop this habit. So by this the only solution that dawned to me was to not to participate. Shitty solution isn’t it?

But I will be participating to any reading challenges that doesn’t require a number of books to be read the whole year, because being in Veterinary school does not give you a long vacant just to read leisurely.

Being in vet school is technically the problem. I have to read 3 chapters of my school books everynight and need to absorb them. What makes it hard is that I suck at memorizing and spelling latin names of tiny worms and insect in any pets and long-assed-named diseases on various animals or freaking tissues of the body that looks the same in every picture!

And I don’t even wanna talk about my exams that happens everyday for a week.


Do you have any suggestions on challenges that doesn’t require a number of books?

Trying to Read | A Debate Schmock

From a hell of a midterm week to a long weekend of trying to prove your point while wearing killer heels, I am basically trying to catch up with my reading and of course bookstagramming.  Since my school will be having a long weekend, they decided to send us to a four-day debate competition, with people who are really way way way way smarter and sassier than me.

Of course being the book nerd and all, I will be bringing with me atleast 2 books to killing my boredom when we hit the bar at the Captain Tiago ( I don’t know if that is the actual name of the bar or if it’s the theme). Although, I love drinking but drinks don’t like me back the way it should be ( I am a sloppy drunk), so I will probably spending the night with a book and room service at the hotel. (YEY!)

On book blogging

Since I am a university student with a heavy schedule, I can seldom log in my blog and try to post a decent blog log. My apologies to those who are seeking too much in this little blog about books. I try to keep up with my reviews and try to post them from time to time, but I have other matters (more importantly) to attend to.

I am trying to recruit my just-been-a-book-lover bestfriend to help me run the world this blog. I mean , two book lovers is better than one right? Let’s hope she’ll say yes *Cue in Rude by Magic*

Anyways, I’ll be posting 2 reviews this coming Saturday, one is a YA book and the other would still be a YA book. Stay tune for that.


And please, don’t leave me. Still trying to be cute -Amphy


This is not even a book rant: Problems of having hot friends

Here’s to my parents who constantly asking on why I don’t have any boyfriend.

When your  crush is crushing with your friend. Gah! How many times has this happen to me? Luckily every single hot girl friends I have (thank goodness) is taken, so I don’t have to go all out stress off having to single-handedly and (poker-facing) interrogating him about his intentions with my friend, cause I know I can’t stand that.


Every time the guy is “rubbing shoulders”with me, I already know about his true intentions and that don’t even apply on me. It is always about being chummies with me to have an upper hand advantage with my friend.


an apology for that few months of unannounced hiatus

I feel bad of leaving you on air. (Really.) The absence was unexpected due to the fact that I have been busy with school stuff (honestly: being a vet student is not easy :() and that feeling that writing is such a chore that you would start a paragraph of review then just leaving it like that (This is why we can’t progress.)

I know I did post about the 150 book challenge, but between college, a broken e-reader, and crappy internet connection at my university, I kind of neglected about the promise. But before the year ends I TRY to make it up to all of you. 🙂

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